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FORUM NEWS/Anticipazioni


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16/07/2012 19:03:02
J.R. (dal 05/01/09)
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Dopo la scorpacciata di news, foto e report dalla Sdcc che hanno portato a una decina le pagine del precedente post direi di ricominciare da qui visto che il precedente thread iniziava a diventare pesantino.

Ricominciamo dunque con la lista riveduta e corretta alla luce delle ultime news fieristiche, spero di non aver dimenticato nulla/fatto casino, nel caso correggetemi, please

- Sir Laser Lot (figura abbonamento 30th)

- Mekaneck
- Dragon Blaster Skeletor
- Snake Men 2-Pack

- Frosta
- Rattlor
- Great Rebellion Stickers Sheet
- Cy-Chop (figura abbonamento 30th)
- Great Unrest Weapons Pack (Weapons Pack # 3) (fuori abbonamento)

- Dekker
- Eternos Palace King Randor
- Castle GrayskullMan (figura abbonamento 30th)

- Mosquitor
- Granamyr (figura fuori abbonamento)
- Temple of Darkness Sorceress (figura fuori abbonamento)
- Procrustus

- Netossa
- Ram Man

- Jitsu

- Fang Man
- Fighting Foe man 3-Pack
- King He-Man (figura esclusiva Club Eternia 2013)
- Mappa di Subeternia (esclusiva Club Eternia 2013)
16/07/2012 19:17:03
J.R. (dal 05/01/09)
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da suicidio...
15 figure, una media di quasi 4 ogni mese (considerato il 2pack come 2 figure, visto anche il costo doppio...)... di cui, tra l`altro, una da 80 dollari...

16/07/2012 19:59:47
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
voti annunci collezione forum

Si prosegue da qua:

Eh, mi sa che salterò un po` di roba... tanto si recupera dopo.

Ah, il tagliacarte spada va bene come arma a Tytus, pare...
16/07/2012 20:02:18
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
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Ma ad agosto c`è solo Sir Lanzerlotto? Ohibò, a fucking risparmio...
16/07/2012 20:09:25
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
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Up per superamento vecchio thread. ^^
16/07/2012 20:12:36
J.R. (dal 05/01/09)
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Si, ad agosto c`è solo Laserlotto MA a fine Luglio (il 23, precisamente) c`è nientepopòdimenoche VYKRON...

e poi non dimenticare che bisogna rinnovare gli abbonamenti e sono 50 dollari da anticipare per ogni sottoscrizione quindi alla fin fine sarò comunque in bolletta sparata...
16/07/2012 20:25:52
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
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Ah, Vykron.

Beh uno lo prenderò, volevo sperimentare una cosetta...
16/07/2012 20:27:36
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
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La faccia era questa -->
16/07/2012 20:47:31
Zondike (dal 12/09/04)
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peccato per le foto, ma si possono vedere al link postato da Stirner...

invece Pixel Dan ha postato questo....
16/07/2012 21:02:44
J.R. (dal 05/01/09)
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16/07/2012 21:29:27
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
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Santi Numi!!! Quello è proprio... Lo scudo dell`UOMO RAGNO!!! ( )
16/07/2012 21:51:44
Spingibob (dal 03/11/07)
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Com`è questa cosa, che ad agosto non esce niente dell`abbonamento normale?!
Mi sembra strano, non mi ricordo sia successo l`anno scorso, anzi...
16/07/2012 22:00:52
Stirner (dal 09/09/06)
voti annunci collezione forum

In effetti fa strano anche a me... sarà una pausa per le mazzate autunnal-invernali?
17/07/2012 02:15:16
kurono (dal 27/08/04)
voti annunci collezione forum

ah io in quella lista vedo solo tanto risparmio

ma il gigante finale è in abbonamento?
17/07/2012 09:00:15
Zondike (dal 12/09/04)
voti annunci collezione forum

se per gigante finale intendi Procrustus allora la risposta è sì, è in abbonamento.

ma dello scudo di Snake Face non dice nulla nessuno? personalmente son contento sfornino gli snake men... spero anche in Tung-Lashor, più somigliante al toy vintage che alla controparte animata
17/07/2012 09:16:54
lampo76 (dal 28/06/04)
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Raga un piccolo OT...scusatemi per 3 abbonamenti meglio spedizione pezzente o UPS? grazie
17/07/2012 10:00:12
Zondike (dal 12/09/04)
voti annunci collezione forum

Video del MOTUC Display al SDCC..... si vede bene il muso del Drago di Skeletor e devo dire che fa un`ottima impressione!!!

17/07/2012 13:13:20
kurono (dal 27/08/04)
voti annunci collezione forum

Procrustus devo dire che mi piace

il drago continua più che altro a farmi "impressione" hihihih
17/07/2012 13:28:08
mrcgrc79 (dal 11/06/08)
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W i Motu...piccolo inciso, io non svengo davanti allo scudo di Snake face, ne davanti a nessun giocattolo
17/07/2012 13:35:11
kurono (dal 27/08/04)
voti annunci collezione forum

occhio mrcgrc79, che sei stai troppo davanti a stinkor il rischio è reale
17/07/2012 15:37:58
Kamina1984 (dal 14/09/09)
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ma dello scudo di Snake Face non dice nulla nessuno? personalmente son contento sfornino gli snake men... spero anche in Tung-Lashor, più somigliante al toy vintage che alla controparte animata

Amen, anche perchè son sempre stati i miei preferiti (perfino nei vintage) e proprio per questo .. .. .. voglio Squeezee!!!
17/07/2012 18:31:11
aznabul (dal 31/05/06)
voti annunci collezione forum

Mosquitor - Evil Energy Draining Insectoid
Real Name: Bliddeon Black

A Kribleen insectoid vampire from the Gluubux Galaxy, Mosquitor joined The Evil Horde of his own accord, preferring the Empire to life in a mud hole on his home world. Looking like a normal insectoid, Mosquitor moves in on his prey then stings them hard and sucks them dry. He is extremely vicious though not particularly brainy. You can`t get blood from a rock, but Mosquitor has tried in his day. Mosquitor drains his enemies of their energy while his bionic stinger and chest oozes red with power. Even Hordak keeps his distance from The Evil Horde vampire!
Frosta - Ice Empress of Etheria
Real Name: Queen Mackenzie

The beautiful and exotic friend of She-Ra, Mackenzie is queen of the Kingdom of Snows, high in the mountains of Etheria. She possesses a magic wand that whistles like the wind and lets her conjure ice spells and freezing rain against her enemies. This power has given her a reputation as the Ice-Empress of Etheria, although she prefers being called Frosta by her friends. With the exception of her magic powers, she is otherwise a normal human female. She is sweet, kind and loyal to her allies. Together with She-Ra and other members of the Great Rebellion, she traveled through a Laser Gate to Eternia joining with the Renegade Masters of the Universe in the continued fight against Hordak`s tyranny! Frosta freezes her enemies with her magic spells.
King Randor - Eternos Palace
Real Name: Randor of the House of Miro

Shortly after his father was thrown into Despondos by Count Marzo, Randor`s older brother was banished from the Royal Palace, leaving Eternia without a king. Randor continued to act as Captain of the Guard, leading the royal armies against their enemies, including Keldor, who had returned from exile with an army of outcasts and escaped convits. Finally besting Keldor in single combat, Randor mortally wounded his half brother and ordered a mystic wall erected to keep him and his warriors magically bound to the Dark Hemisphere. For ending the Great Unrest, the Council of Elders agreed to set aside Eternian laws of kingship and gave Randor the crown, despite not being the first born. King Randor heroically raises his staff, declaring his rule ofver all Eternia.
Rattlor - Evil Snake Men Creature With The Quick-Strike Head
Real Name: Slltyo of the Rattlor House

A loyal leader in King Hssss` army, Rattlor was the first of the Snake Men to escape their imprisonment in the Void. He worked with the Snake Men descendent Kobra Khan to liberate the entire serpent army. Once freed, Hssss quickly began a three-way war against the Masters of the Universe and Skeletor`s Evil Warriors, with Rattlor leading the attack. Eventually, Khan manipulated Hssss into demoting Rattlor and he defected to the evil Horde army. Under Hordak, Rattlor became known as "The General" for his keen insight into enemy strategy. After sounding his sinister battle rattle, Rattlor lashes out at victims with his terrible quick-strike head!
Snake Men - Slithering Minions of King Hsss
Real Name: Varies

A hybrid of three cold-blooded alien races, the Snake Men were spliced together and bred by the Unnamed One to serve as loyal foot soldiers in his ever-growing army. Several battalions of Snake Men were assigned to the Viper Lord King Hssss and traveled with him to Eternia to plunder its hidden magic for their formless master. Unprepared for an attack by invading Horde armies, the Snake Army was driven into hibernation and eventually trapped in the Void by the warrior Zodak. Five millennia later, Hssss and his reptile army escaped their imprisonment and once again took up the fight to claim Eternia. Snake Men fight loyally in the armies King Hiss against the heroic Masters of the Universe.
Dekker - Heroic Trainer-Of-Arms
Real Name: Dekker

Originally a mercenary from the Dunes of Doom, Dekker switched sides during one of the early battles of the Great Unrest and fought with King Miro against Marzo`s tyranny. His wisdom and courage quickly lead to his appointment as Miro`s Man-At-Arms, leading and training the royal soldiers. Throughout these battles, Dekker took a young prodigy named Duncan under his wing, traveling throughout Eternia, fighting evil together. In time, Dekker retired to Orkas Island, passing his title and duties to his former apprentice and sidekick. Although he now enjoys the simple life of a fisherman, the ever-present forces of evil occasionally call him backto fight for justice alongside the heroic Masters of the Universe!
Castle Grayskullman - Heroic Embodiment of Castle Grayskull
Real Name: Not Applicable

During the Second Ultimate Battleground, Hordak and King Hsss` grand army pressed in against the allied heroes of Eternia. In the darkest moment of battle, all hope seemed lost as many heroes fell, including Snake Man-At-Arms and Stratos. Reaching out through the Orb of Power, hidden deep inside Castle Grayskull, He-Man and the new Sorceress used an unrepeatable spell to call upon the Power of Grayskull and infuse life into the very spirit of the castle itself. Rising from the castle`s hidden Chamber of Defense, Castle Grayskullman marched into battle, swinging his dual swords of power, helping to turn the tide.
Cy-Chop - Evil Horde Bounty Hunter
Real Name: Scychor

Originally a partner with Kronis, Scychor roamed the galaxy as a mercenary and professional theif. Eventually Kronis betrayed his friend, throwing Scychor from a Boa Jet while escaping from Horde Patrol Units. Falling hundreds of feet to the surface of a small moon, Scychor was healed by rogue scientists by preserving his organs in a robotic chest and his brain in a cyborg skull. After serving the scientists for twenty years, he became a freelance bounty hunter, willing to steal, kill or betray anyone for the right price. During the Second Ultimate Battleground, Cy-Chop was hired by Hordak to bolster his forces against the Sname Men and Masters of the Universe. Using his robotic scissor blades, Cy-Chop strikes out, but only for the right price!
Procrustus - Giant Guardian of Magic
Real Name: Procrustus

After the Gods created the Five dimensions, they hid their secret magic in the form of a star inside the core of a small planet in the center of the dimension of Eternia. Naming the planet after the dimension it resided in, they assigned the immortal four-armed giant Procrustus to remain there and guard their magical secrets. Over the millennia, the magic began to seep out, and many wise magicians learned to tap into these powers for both good and evil. In time, the ruthless warlock Hordak attempted to break apart Eternia using a spell of separation in order to access the magic`s source. Although his spell was thwarted, Procrustus was now forced to literally hold the planet together remaining forever at the planet`s core!
18/07/2012 15:20:44
aznabul (dal 31/05/06)
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20/07/2012 22:00:33
Zondike (dal 12/09/04)
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Scott, is it too soon to start discussing what happens worst case if MOTUC doesn`t survive as a sub format past 2012? Meaning, do we see any of the 2013 lineup in any form (i.e., as convention exclusives, quarterly figures offered as pre-sales, etc.)?

If the sub doesn`t meet minimum quota (and as a humble suggestion) I can see the line continue to survive and perhaps even thrive on a two to three pack quarterly release basis in a similar format to how you`re handling the Miss Martian/Superman two-pack. Offer a pre-sale in advance of producing the toy and only produce it if the minimum orders are met. I understand that this will kill the spontaneity and fun of seeing months worth of product ahead of time like we do at Mattypalooza and TF every year, but come heck or high water this line should continue even if the subs become an inviable business model.

Here is what we are looking at if we don`t hit the min sub number:

If the sub does not hit the min, we will review how far along figures are (likley one or two of the figs shown at SDCC are tool`d) and we will release those two figures bi annually. The rest will be canceled. If anyone else is far enough along we might make that fig the SDCC figure like we did with Dana.

Very similar to what happeend with GB in 2012. If we don`t hit the min number of subs the line goes away.

Not a scare tactic, just the truth. The subs are everything for a high end low run collector line with no current entertainment (well, no movie or TV, we have awesome MOTU comics from DC now)!

facciamo gli abbonamenti?

Nik quando saranno disponibili su ZH?
20/07/2012 22:03:17
Zondike (dal 12/09/04)
voti annunci collezione forum

If we don`t get the minimum, postpone the new characters and make the old ones?

If MOTUC doesn`t achieve the minimum, could you postpone new characters like King He-Man and concepts like The Fighting Foe Men for already established, actual MOTU characters such as Ram Man, Netossa and Jitsu? Ordinarily, these new characters would be cool, but if MOTUC is in such dire straits, then maybe now is not the time to indulge into these new characters when we haven`t barely touched the New Adventures cast.

It is too late to make any changes to 2013.

BUT: what I am doing is reworking 2014. If we can get enough subs to get 2013 done, I will make sure that the 2014 line is reworked to include all remaining vintage figs and all the major NA and POP figures (we might not get to Kayo if you will...).

First step is ensureing 2013 works. Then I will rework 2014 so that if that winds up being the last year, at least we will go out with a bang. It doesn`t mean we couldn`t still get to a 2015 (if support is there) but I am no longer going to follow the 2016 roadmap. I`ve always said what will kill the line is when the figures cost more to produce then fans are willing to pay.If the writing is on the wall, I will do all I can to ensure 2014 finishing things off.

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